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5 Games We're Excited About: Autumn 2021

Writer's picture: StreamcastStreamcast

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

Written by the Streamcast

So maybe we didn’t get a hot summer, maybe we didn’t get Carnival this year. Things have to go back to normal soon, right?

That means back to school, clocks going back and colder weather. It’s not all bad as many of the most anticipated games of the year are set for release in the season of autumn so without any further ado, let’s find out which five games we are most excited for!

Of course all release dates below are correct at the time of writing so these are subject to change or delay.

1. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl

Remakes and remasters are always going to divide opinion. In 2006/07, I played my last Pokémon game until 2020 - I loved Pokémon Diamond and I cannot wait to play this new version of the game in November.

I think Sinnoh is arguably the prettiest region and they have a lot of unique Pokémon designs. I don’t know how much I don’t remember just yet but I’m excited to find out and learn this game all over again.

One thing I do remember, is something along the line of THIRTEEN legendaries! I’ve gone from loving chasing them all down to thinking 13 was way too many to now being excited to chase them all again and I think I might just do a Nuzlocke with this game so keep an eye out for that.

This game will be released on 19th November for the Nintendo Switch.

2. Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl

Have you imagined being able to fight Earthworm Jim as Invader Zim? Have you ever wondered whether Nigel Thornberry has hands?

These are all questions you can find the answer to with this awesome upcoming title!

Think Smash but Nickelodeon characters - with characters announced including Danny Phantom and Leonardo from TMNT, this looks like a fun game that is going to be easy to pick up and play with the whole family.

Plus, there’s rollback. Thank God.

This game will be out in Autumn for the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4.

3. Far Cry 6

This is not a game I usually go for but there is so much to like about this mammoth game.

First of all, Giancarlo Esposito is the face of this game. One of the best actors doing it and whether you know him as Gus Fring or another of his fantastic roles, you know he is going to deliver in this game as Antón Castillo.

There’s something really cool about a game being set in the Caribbean. In Far Cry 6, we will be on the fictional island of Yara, here’s hoping we get some good diverse representation in this game.

Dani Rojas is who we take control of and the idea of overthrowing a dictatorship sounds exhilarating. If you don’t mind politics in your games, this might be one for you.

This is currently set to be released on 7th October for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Stadia and Luna. If it can run games, you can probably play Far Cry 6.

4. Back 4 Blood

If you’ve been lucky enough to try the beta, you’ll know why we’re so excited to get our hands on this game.

Turtle Rock Studios, the team who gave us Left 4 Dead, are back with a multiplayer first person shooter with wall to wall zombies.

Choose between 8 different characters in a 4 player co-op game to take on the Ridden, in a game that relies on teamwork and panache to traverse the various locations.

If you’ve got a zombie FPS size hole in your heart and over 200 plus hours clocked on L4D then this is the game for you.

This game is set for release on 12th October for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

5. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

I have been excited for this title since it got announced at E3 this year! I love the Guardians of the Galaxy films and it feels like this game has captured the spirit of the movies perfectly.

Between Quill’s quips and Drax’s dry delivery, every member feels fleshed out and I can’t wait to give this game a go.

I love how much attention has been paid to the series of films as popular songs from the ‘80s are used throughout all the trailers (although I am not looking forward to streaming this).

Despite only being in control of Star Lord, you will be able to influence and affect your teammates through decision trees and speeches, the latter boosting your team’s stats.

This game is set to be out on 26th October for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

For brevity, we only included five games but what games are you most excited for this Autumn?

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