You may be wondering why we're not only bringing the fun of games to the workplace, but also through marketing too. It's not an obvious mix, unless you're us, and have big dreams and an even bigger mission...
Let’s get playing
We all met through gaming. When we were new to college, trying to figure out who are people were, card games in the common room and linking up to play Tekken after college helped us to meet people across different classes and really bond. A gaming event that we went to on a whim helped us meet a third member. Even through streaming we met another member of this fantastic team. Games are the ultimate ice breakers, one of the most underrated way of bringing people together.
The goal is to get adults playing again. In their homes, at the workplace, on their commute. On their own and more importantly with others. Because play is important. For our health and well being. For community.
Big problems, bigger dreams.
Unfortunately, people are feeling more isolated. Some at home. Some at the workplace. We've noticed more people working alone or struggling to find their place when their team isn't in, struggling with productivity and struggling with their mental health. While online communities have helped ease the feeling of isolation, it can be a bubble that leaves us isolated in the real world. It can make it difficult to build connections with others, struggle to find our third place and connect with our local community.
We feel games can be a great connector. A way to relieve stress. A way to start conversations. A way to break boundaries. A way to learn. This expands beyond video games. Board games at games night, card games in the common room, playing with your child, niece or nephew will bring memories of laughter, joy and open communication we don’t see as often as we would like day to day.
We want to change that. We can change that. Through our workshops, events and marketing, we want to bring back the joy of play to the world, one adult at a time.